Javier Torras was born in Madrid.
After a childhood and youth spent amongst books and games,he continued his academic studies in architecture, but changed in the early stages, to study to be a teacher in the branch of Science. He attended the workshop of the artist Manuel Coronado and he paid for his studies by working as a graphic designer.
Taking advantage of his educational experience, he collaborated with various social organizations, and one of them: Basida – hospice and drug rehabilitation center – left in him a deep imprint.
His life took a major turn when he abandoned everything and retired to a village in Andalucía, where he began a path of knowledge and internal search.
He began painting in a meditative state, from which emerges, as if by magic, worlds, beings from other dimensions and realities.
His channeled work began to be exhibited in 1991. Currently he combines exhibitions with Meditative Painting workshops, therapies and his courses on Reiki.